Search Results: "Jonathan McDowell"

16 December 2020

Jonathan McDowell: DeskPi Pro + 8GB Pi 4

DeskPi Pro Raspberry Pi case Despite having worked on a number of ARM platforms I ve never actually had an ARM based development box at home. I have a Raspberry Pi B Classic (the original 256MB rev 0002 variant) a coworker gave me some years ago, but it s not what you d choose for a build machine and generally gets used as a self contained TFTP/console server for hooking up to devices under test. Mostly I ve been able to do kernel development with the cross compilers already built as part of Debian, and either use pre-built images or Debian directly when I need userland pieces. At a previous job I had a Marvell MACCHIATObin available to me, which works out as a nice platform - quad core A72 @ 2GHz with 16GB RAM, proper SATA and a PCIe slot. However they re still a bit pricey for a casual home machine. I really like the look of the HoneyComb LX2 - 16 A72 cores, up to 64GB RAM - but it s even more expensive. So when I saw the existence of the 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 I was interested. Firstly, the Pi 4 is a proper 64 bit device (my existing Pi B is ARMv6 which means it needs to run Raspbian instead of native Debian armhf), capable of running an upstream kernel and unmodified Debian userspace. Secondly the Pi 4 has a USB 3 controller sitting on a PCIe bus rather than just the limited SoC USB 2 controller. It s not SATA, but it s still a fairly decent method of attaching some storage that s faster/more reliable than an SD card. Finally 8GB RAM is starting to get to a decent amount - for a headless build box 4GB is probably generally enough, but I wanted some headroom. The Pi comes as a bare board, so I needed a case. Ideally I wanted something self contained that could take the Pi, provide a USB/SATA adaptor and take the drive too. I came across the pre-order for the DeskPi Pro, decided it was the sort of thing I was after, and ordered one towards the end of September. It finally arrived at the start of December, at which point I got round to ordering a Pi 4 from CPC. Total cost ~ 120 for the case + Pi.

The Bad First, let s get the bad parts out of the way. Broken USB port (right) I managed to break a USB port on the Desk Pi. It has a pair of forward facing ports, I plugged my wireless keyboard dongle into it and when trying to remove it the solid spacer bit in the socket broke off. I ve never had this happen to me before and I ve been using USB devices for 20 years, so I m putting the blame on a shoddy socket. The first drive I tried was an old Crucial M500 mSATA device. I have an adaptor that makes it look like a normal 2.5 drive so I used that. Unfortunately it resulted in a boot loop; the Pi would boot its initial firmware, try to talk to the drive and then reboot before even loading Linux. The DeskPi Pro comes with an m2 adaptor and I had a spare m2 drive, so I tried that and it all worked fine. This might just be power issues, but it was an unfortunate experience especially after the USB port had broken off. (Given I ended up using an M.2 drive another case option would have been the Argon ONE M.2, which is a bit more compact.)

The Annoying DeskPi Pro without rear bezel The case is a little snug; I was worried I was going to damage things as I slid it in. Additionally the construction process is a little involved. There s a good set of instructions, but there are a lot of pieces and screws involved. This includes a couple of FFC cables to join things up. I think this is because they ve attempted to make a compact case rather than allowing a little extra room, and it does have the advantage that once assembled it feels robust without anything loose in it. DeskPi Pro with rear bezel and USB3 dongle I hate the need for an external USB3 dongle to bridge from the Pi to the USB/SATA adaptor. All the cases I ve seen with an internal drive bay have to do this, because the USB3 isn t brought out internally by the Pi, but it just looks ugly to me. It s hidden at the back, but meh. Fan control is via a USB/serial device, which is fine, but it attaches to the USB C power port which defaults to being a USB peripheral. Raspbian based kernels support device tree overlays which allows easy reconfiguration to host mode, but for a Debian based system I ended up rolling my own dtb file. I changed
#include "bcm283x-rpi-usb-peripheral.dtsi"
#include "bcm283x-rpi-usb-host.dtsi"
in arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dts and then I did:
cpp -nostdinc -I include -I arch -undef -x assembler-with-cpp \
    arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dts > rpi4.preprocessed
dtc -I dts -O dtb rpi4.preprocessed -o bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb
and the resulting bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb file replaced the one in /boot/firmware. This isn t a necessary step if you don t want to use the cooling fan in the case, or the front USB ports, and it s not really anyone s fault, but it was an annoying extra step to have to figure out. The DeskPi came with a microSD card that was supposed to have RaspiOS already on it. It didn t, it was blank. In my case that was fine, because I wanted to use Debian, but it was a minor niggle.

The Good I used Gunnar s pre-built Pi Debian image and it Just Worked; I dd d it to the microSD as instructed and the Pi 4 came up with working wifi, video and USB enabling me to get it configured for my network. I did an apt upgrade and got updated to the Buster 10.7 release, as well as the latest 5.9 backport kernel, and everything came back without effort after a reboot. It s lovely to be able to run Debian on this device without having to futz around with self-compiled kernels. The DeskPi makes a lot of effort to route things externally. The SD slot is brought out to the front, making it easy to fiddle with the card contents without having to open the case to replace it. All the important ports are brought out to the back either through orientation of the Pi, or extenders in the case. That means the built in Pi USB ports, the HDMI sockets (conveniently converted to full size internally), an audio jack and a USB-C power port. The aforementioned USB3 dongle for the bridge to the drive is the only external thing that s annoying. Thermally things seem good too. I haven t done a full torture test yet, but with the fan off the system is sitting at about 40 C while fairly idle. Some loops in bash that push load up to above 2 get the temperature up to 46 C or so, and turning the fan on brings it down to 40 C again. It s audible, but quieter than my laptop and not annoying. I liked the way the case came with everything I needed other than the Pi 4 and a suitable disk drive. There was an included PSU (a proper USB-C PD device, UK plug), the heatsink/fan is there, the USB/SATA converter is there and even an SD card is provided (though that s just because I had a pre-order). Speaking of the SD, I only needed it for initial setup. Recent Pi 4 bootloaders are capable of booting directly from USB mass storage devices. So I upgraded using the RPi EEPROM Recovery image (which just needs extracted to the SD FAT partition, no need for anything complicated - boot with it and the screen goes all green and you know it s ok), then created a FAT partition at the start of the drive for the kernel / bootloader config and a regular EXT4 partition for root. Copies everything over, updated paths, took out the SD and it all just works happily.

Summary My main complaint is the broken USB port, which feels like the result of a cheap connector. For a front facing port expected to see more use than the rear ports I think there s a reasonable expectation of robustness. However I m an early adopter and maybe future runs will be better. Other than that I m pretty happy. The case is exactly the sort of thing I wanted; I was looking for something that would turn the Pi into a box that can sit on my desk on the network and that I don t have to worry about knocking wires out of or lots of cables hooking bits up. Everything being included made it very convenient to get up and running. I still haven t poked the Pi that hard, but first impressions are looking good for it being a trouble free ARM64 dev box in the corner, until I can justify a HoneyComb.

21 September 2020

Jonathan McDowell: Mainline Linux on the MikroTik RB3011

I upgraded my home internet connection to fibre (FTTP) last October. I m still on an 80M/20M service, so it s no faster than my old VDSL FTTC connection was, and as a result for a long time I continued to use my HomeHub 5A running OpenWRT. However the FTTP ONT meant I was using up an additional ethernet port on the router, and I was already short, so I ended up with a GigE switch in use as well. Also my wifi is handled by a UniFi, which takes its power via Power-over-Ethernet. That mean I had a router, a switch and a PoE injector all in close proximity. I wanted to reduce the number of devices, and ideally upgrade to something that could scale once I decide to upgrade my FTTP service speed. Looking around I found the MikroTik RB3011UiAS-RM, which is a rack mountable device with 10 GigE ports (plus an SFP slot) and a dual core Qualcomm IPQ8064 ARM powering it. There s 1G RAM and 128MB NAND flash, as well as a USB3 port. It also has PoE support. On paper it seemed like an ideal device. I wasn t particularly interested in running RouterOS on it (the provided software), but that s based on Linux and there was some work going on within OpenWRT to add support, so it seemed like a worthwhile platform to experiment with (what, you expected this to be about me buying an off the shelf device and using it with only the supplied software?). As an added bonus a friend said he had one he wasn t using, and was happy to sell it to me for a bargain price. RB3011 router in use I did try out RouterOS to start with, but I didn t find it particularly compelling. I m comfortable configuring firewalling and routing at a Linux command line, and I run some additional services on the router like my MQTT broker, and mqtt-arp, my wifi device presence monitor. I could move things around such that they ran on the house server, but I consider them core services and as a result am happier with them on the router. The first step was to get something booting on the router. Luckily it has an RJ45 serial console port on the back, and a reasonably featured bootloader that can manage to boot via tftp over the network. It wants an ELF binary rather than a plain kernel, but Sergey Sergeev had done the hard work of getting u-boot working for the IPQ8064, which mean I could just build normal u-boot images to try out. Linux upstream already had basic support for a lot of the pieces I was interested in. There s a slight fudge around AUTO_ZRELADDR because the network coprocessors want a chunk of memory at the start of RAM, but there s ongoing discussions about how to handle this cleanly that I m hopeful will eventually mean I can drop that hack. Serial, ethernet, the QCA8337 switches (2 sets of 5 ports, tied to different GigE devices on the processor) and the internal NOR all had drivers, so it was a matter of crafting an appropriate DTB to get them working. That left niggles. First, the second switch is hooked up via SGMII. It turned out the IPQ806x stmmac driver didn t initialise the clocks in this mode correctly, and neither did the qca8k switch driver. So I need to fix up both of those (Sergey had handled the stmmac driver, so I just had to clean up and submit his patch). Next it turned out the driver for talking to the Qualcomm firmware (SCM) had been updated in a way that broke the old method needed on the IPQ8064. Some git archaeology figured that one out and provided a solution. Ansuel Smith helpfully provided the DWC3 PHY driver for the USB port. That got me to the point I could put a Debian armhf image onto a USB stick and mount that as root, which made debugging much easier. At this point I started to play with configuring up the device to actually act as a router. I make use of a number of VLANs on my home network, so I wanted to make sure I could support those. Turned out the stmmac driver wasn t happy reconfiguring its MTU because the IPQ8064 driver doesn t configure the FIFO sizes. I found what seem to be the correct values and plumbed them in. Then the qca8k driver only supported port bridging. I wanted the ability to have a trunk port to connect to the upstairs switch, while also having ports that only had a single VLAN for local devices. And I wanted the switch to handle this rather than requiring the CPU to bridge the traffic. Thankfully it s easy to find a copy of the QCA8337 datasheet and the kernel Distributed Switch Architecture is pretty flexible, so I was able to implement the necessary support. I stuck with Debian on the USB stick for actually putting the device into production. It makes it easier to fix things up if necessary, and the USB stick allows for a full Debian install which would be tricky on the 128M of internal NAND. That means I can use things like nftables for my firewalling, and use the standard Debian packages for things like collectd and mosquitto. Plus for debug I can fire up things like tcpdump or tshark. Which ended up being useful because when I put the device into production I started having weird IPv6 issues that turned out to be a lack of proper Ethernet multicast filter support in the IPQ806x ethernet device. The driver would try and setup the multicast filter for the IPv6 NDP related packets, but it wouldn t actually work. The fix was to fall back to just receiving all multicast packets - this is what the vendor driver does. Most of this work will be present once the 5.9 kernel is released - the basics are already in 5.8. Currently not queued up that I can think of are the following: Overall I consider the device a success, and it s been entertaining getting it working properly. I m running a mostly mainline kernel, it s handling my house traffic without breaking a sweat, and the fact it s running Debian makes it nice and easy to throw more things on it as I desire. However it turned out the RB3011 isn t as perfect device as I d hoped. The PoE support is passive, and the UniFi wants 802.1af. So I was going to end up with 2 devices. As it happened I picked up a cheap D-Link DGS-1210-10P switch, which provides the PoE support as well as some additional switch ports. Plus it runs Linux, so more on that later

14 September 2020

Jonathan McDowell: onak 0.6.1 released

Yesterday I did the first release of my OpenPGP compatible keyserver, onak, in 4 years. Actually, 2 releases because I discovered my detection for various versions of libnettle needed some fixing. It was largely driven by the need to get an updated package sorted for Debian due to the removal of dh-systemd, but it should have come sooner. This release has a number of clean-ups for dealing with the hostility shown to the keyserver network in recent years. In particular it implements some of dkg s Abuse-Resistant OpenPGP Keystores, and finally adds support for verifying signatures fully. That opens up the ability to run a keyserver that will only allow verifiable updates to keys. This doesn t tie in with folk who want to run PGP based systems because of the anonymity, but for those of us who think PGP s strength is in the web of trust it s pretty handy. And it s all configurable to taste; you can turn off all the verification if you want, or verify everything but not require any signatures, or even enable v3 keys if you feel like it. The main reason this release didn t come sooner is that I m painfully aware of the bits that are missing. In particular: Anyway. Available locally or via GitHub.
0.6.0 - 13th September 2020
  • Move to CMake over autoconf
  • Add support for issuer fingerprint subpackets
  • Add experimental support for v5 keys
  • Add read-only OpenPGP keyring backed DB backend
  • Move various bits into their own subdirectories in the source tree
  • Add support for full signature verification
  • Drop v3 keys by default when cleaning keys
  • Various code cleanups
  • Implement pieces of draft-dkg-openpgp-abuse-resistant-keystore-03
  • Add support for a fingerprint blacklist (e.g. Evil32)
  • Deprecate the .conf configuration file format
  • Drop version info from armored output
  • Add option to deny new keys and only allow updates to existing keys
  • Various pieces of work removing support for 32 bit key IDs and coping with colliding 64 bit key IDs.
  • Remove support for libnettle versions that lack the full SHA2 suite
0.6.1 - 13th September 2020
  • Fixes for compilation without nettle + with later releases of nettle

31 May 2020

Jonathan McDowell: OpenOCD snapshot uploaded to Debian experimental

One of the things I maintain in Debian is OpenOCD. I say maintain, but it s so far required very little work, as it s been 3 years since a release (0.10.0). I ve talked about doing a git snapshot package for some time (I have an email from last DebConf in my inbox about it, and that wasn t the first time someone had asked), but never got around to it. Spurred on by some moves towards a 0.11.0 release I ve built a recent snapshot and uploaded it to the experimental suite in Debian. Of particular interest is the support for more recent architectures that this brings - ARMv8/aarch64 and RISC-V being the big ones, but also MIPS64 and various other ARM improvements. I no longer have access to Xilinx Zynq or Mellanox Bluefield platforms to test against so I ve just done some some basic tests with a Sheevaplug and BusPirate/STM32F103, but those worked just fine. Builds should hopefully happen shortly. Enjoy!

30 April 2020

Jonathan McDowell: Let's talk about work/life balance in lock down

A SYNCNI article passed by on my Twitter feed this morning, talking about balancing work life balance while working from home in these times of COVID-19 inspired lock down. The associated Twitter thread expressed an interest in some words of advice from men to other men (because of course the original article has the woman having to do all the balancing). This post does not contain the words of advice searched for, but it hopefully at least offers some reassurance that if you re finding all of this difficult you re not alone. From talking to others I don t think there s anything particularly special we re doing in this house; a colleague is taking roughly the same approach, and some of the other folk I ve spoken to in the local tech scene seem to be doing likewise. First, the situation. Like many households both my wife and I work full time. We have a small child (not even a year and a half old yet). I work for a software startup, my wife is an HR business partner for a large multinational, dealing with employees all over the UK and Ireland. We re both luckily able to work from home easily - our day to day work machines are laptops, our employers were already setup with the appropriate VPN / video conferencing etc facilities. Neither of us has seen any decrease in workload since lock down; there are always more features and/or bugs to work on when it comes to a software product, and, as I m sure you can imagine, there has been a lot more activity in the HR sphere over the past 6 weeks as companies try to work out what to do. On top of this our childcare arrangements, like everyone else s, are completely gone. Nursery understandably shut down around the same time as the schools (slightly later, but not by much) and contact with grandparents is obviously out (which they re finding hard). So we re left with trying to fit 2 full time jobs in with full time childcare, of a child who up until recently tried to go down stairs by continuing to crawl forward. Make no mistake, this is hard. I know we are exceptionally lucky in our situation, but that doesn t mean we re finding it easy. We ve adopted an approach of splitting the day up. I take the morning slot (previously I would have got up with our son anyway), getting him up and fed while my wife showers. She takes over for a bit while I shower and dress, then I take over again in time for her to take her daily 8am conference call. My morning is mostly taken up with childcare until nap time; I try to check in first thing to make sure there s nothing urgent, and get a handle on what I might have to work on later in the day. My local team mates know they re more likely to get me late morning and it s better to arrange meetings in the afternoon. Equally I work with a lot of folk on the US West coast, so shifting my hours to be a bit later is not a problem there. After nap time (which, if we re lucky, takes us to lunch) my wife takes over. As she deals with UK/Ireland folk she often ends up having to take calls even while looking after our son; generally important meetings can be moved to the morning and meetings with folk who understand there might be a lot of pot banging going on in the background can happen in the afternoon. Having started late I generally work late - past the point where I d normally get home; if I m lucky I pop my head in for bath time, but sometimes it s only for a couple of minutes. We alternate cooking; usually based on work load + meetings. For example tonight I m cooking while my wife catches up on some work after having put our son to bed. Last night I had a few meetings so my wife cooked. So what s worked for us? Splitting the day means we can plan with our co-workers. We always make sure we eat together in the evening, and that generally is the cut-off point for either of us doing any work. I m less likely to be online in the evening because my study has become the place I work. That means I m not really doing any of my personal projects - this definitely isn t a case of being at home during lock down and having lots of time to achieve new things. It s much more of case of trying to find a sustainable way to get through the current situation, however long it might last.

18 April 2020

Jonathan McDowell: Building a very minimal initramfs

I m working on trying to get a Qualcomm IPQ8064 device working properly. I d got as far as an extremely hacked up chain of networking booting and the serial console working, so the next stage was to try and get a basic userland in place to try and make poking things a bit easier. While I have a cross-compiling environment all setup (that s how I m building my kernels) I didn t really want to get into something complicated just to be able to poke around sysfs etc. I figured I could use a static BusyBox in an initramfs. I was right, but there were a couple of hiccups along the way so I m writing it up so I remember next time. First, I cheated and downloaded a prebuilt static binary from (very convenient, thanks) - the IPQ8064 is a dual core ARMv7 so I used busybox-armv7l. There were various sites with init scripts to go along with this; I ended up with a variation of Star Brilliant s gist:
Minimal init script
#!/bin/busybox sh
busybox mkdir -p /dev /etc /proc /root /sbin /sys /usr/bin /usr/sbin
busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
busybox mount -t sysfs sys /sys
busybox mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev
echo Starting up...
echo ttyMSM0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyMSM0 115200 vt100 >> /etc/inittab
echo Login with root and no password. > /etc/issue
echo >> /etc/issue
echo root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh > /etc/passwd
busybox mdev -s
busybox --install
hostname localhost
ip link set lo up
echo 5 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
exec /linuxrc
busybox and the init script aren t sufficient. If you have any problems then you re going to want a console device. Otherwise you ll do what I did, forget to change one of the tty references in the script to the right device, and spend too long trying to figure out why you re not getting any output as soon as you start running userspace. It turns out that CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT isn t sufficient for the initramfs (the Kconfig help even tells you that). So I need to create a /dev/console device file inside the initramfs too. And I don t build as root (and you shouldn t either) which makes creating a device node hard. It s ok though, because the Linux kernel doesn t need you to be root to build it, and it has a default initramfs with a console device in it. This is helpfully generated using usr/gen_init_cpio, which takes a file defining what you want to put in the cpio file that becomes your initramfs. I used the following:
Minimal initramfs creation file
# Simple busybox based initramfs
dir /dev 0755 0 0
nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1
dir /root 0700 0 0
dir /bin 0755 0 0
dir /sbin 0755 0 0
file /init basic-init 0755 0 0
file /bin/busybox busybox-armv7l 0755 0 0
All that then needs to be done is linux/usr/gen_init_cpio initramfs.list > initramfs.cpio and the resulting initramfs.cpio is suitable for inclusion in your kernel. The precompiled binaries have a lot of stuff enabled, which makes for a pretty useful debugging environment with fairly minimal work.

17 October 2017

Antoine Beaupr : A comparison of cryptographic keycards

An earlier article showed that private key storage is an important problem to solve in any cryptographic system and established keycards as a good way to store private key material offline. But which keycard should we use? This article examines the form factor, openness, and performance of four keycards to try to help readers choose the one that will fit their needs. I have personally been using a YubiKey NEO, since a 2015 announcement on GitHub promoting two-factor authentication. I was also able to hook up my SSH authentication key into the YubiKey's 2048 bit RSA slot. It seemed natural to move the other subkeys onto the keycard, provided that performance was sufficient. The mail client that I use, (Notmuch), blocks when decrypting messages, which could be a serious problems on large email threads from encrypted mailing lists. So I built a test harness and got access to some more keycards: I bought a FST-01 from its creator, Yutaka Niibe, at the last DebConf and Nitrokey donated a Nitrokey Pro. I also bought a YubiKey 4 when I got the NEO. There are of course other keycards out there, but those are the ones I could get my hands on. You'll notice none of those keycards have a physical keypad to enter passwords, so they are all vulnerable to keyloggers that could extract the key's PIN. Keep in mind, however, that even with the PIN, an attacker could only ask the keycard to decrypt or sign material but not extract the key that is protected by the card's firmware.

Form factor The Nitrokey Pro, YubiKey NEO (worn out), YubiKey 4, and FST-01 The four keycards have similar form factors: they all connect to a standard USB port, although both YubiKey keycards have a capacitive button by which the user triggers two-factor authentication and the YubiKey 4 can also require a button press to confirm private key use. The YubiKeys feel sturdier than the other two. The NEO has withstood two years of punishment in my pockets along with the rest of my "real" keyring and there is only minimal wear on the keycard in the picture. It's also thinner so it fits well on the keyring. The FST-01 stands out from the other two with its minimal design. Out of the box, the FST-01 comes without a case, so the circuitry is exposed. This is deliberate: one of its goals is to be as transparent as possible, both in terms of software and hardware design and you definitely get that feeling at the physical level. Unfortunately, that does mean it feels more brittle than other models: I wouldn't carry it in my pocket all the time, although there is a case that may protect the key a little better, but it does not provide an easy way to hook it into a keyring. In the group picture above, the FST-01 is the pink plastic thing, which is a rubbery casing I received along with the device when I got it. Notice how the USB connectors of the YubiKeys differ from the other two: while the FST-01 and the Nitrokey have standard USB connectors, the YubiKey has only a "half-connector", which is what makes it thinner than the other two. The "Nano" form factor takes this even further and almost disappears in the USB port. Unfortunately, this arrangement means the YubiKey NEO often comes loose and falls out of the USB port, especially when connected to a laptop. On my workstation, however, it usually stays put even with my whole keyring hanging off of it. I suspect this adds more strain to the host's USB port but that's a tradeoff I've lived with without any noticeable wear so far. Finally, the NEO has this peculiar feature of supporting NFC for certain operations, as LWN previously covered, but I haven't used that feature yet. The Nitrokey Pro looks like a normal USB key, in contrast with the other two devices. It does feel a little brittle when compared with the YubiKey, although only time will tell how much of a beating it can take. It has a small ring in the case so it is possible to carry it directly on your keyring, but I would be worried the cap would come off eventually. Nitrokey devices are also two times thicker than the Yubico models which makes them less convenient to carry around on keyrings.

Open and closed designs The FST-01 is as open as hardware comes, down to the PCB design available as KiCad files in this Git repository. The software running on the card is the Gnuk firmware that implements the OpenPGP card protocol, but you can also get it with firmware implementing a true random number generator (TRNG) called NeuG (pronounced "noisy"); the device is programmable through a standard Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port. The Nitrokey Start model also runs the Gnuk firmware. However, the Nitrokey website announces only ECC and RSA 2048-bit support for the Start, while the FST-01 also supports RSA-4096. Nitrokey's founder Jan Suhr, in a private email, explained that this is because "Gnuk doesn't support RSA-3072 or larger at a reasonable speed". Its devices (the Pro, Start, and HSM models) use a similar chip to the FST-01: the STM32F103 microcontroller. Nitrokey Pro with STM32F103TBU6 MCU Nitrokey also publishes its hardware designs, on GitHub, which shows the Pro is basically a fork of the FST-01, according to the ChangeLog. I opened the case to confirm it was using the STM MCU, something I should warn you against; I broke one of the pins holding it together when opening it so now it's even more fragile. But at least, I was able to confirm it was built using the STM32F103TBU6 MCU, like the FST-01. Nitrokey back side But this is where the comparison ends: on the back side, we find a SIM card reader that holds the OpenPGP card that, in turn, holds the private key material and does the cryptographic operations. So, in effect, the Nitrokey Pro is really a evolution of the original OpenPGP card readers. Nitrokey confirmed the OpenPGP card featured in the Pro is the same as the one shipped by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE): the BasicCard built by ZeitControl. Those cards, however, are covered by NDAs and the firmware is only partially open source. This makes the Nitrokey Pro less open than the FST-01, but that's an inevitable tradeoff when choosing a design based on the OpenPGP cards, which Suhr described to me as "pretty proprietary". There are other keycards out there, however, for example the SLJ52GDL150-150k smartcard suggested by Debian developer Yves-Alexis Perez, which he prefers as it is certified by French and German authorities. In that blog post, he also said he was experimenting with the GPL-licensed OpenPGP applet implemented by the French ANSSI. But the YubiKey devices are even further away in the closed-design direction. Both the hardware designs and firmware are proprietary. The YubiKey NEO, for example, cannot be upgraded at all, even though it is based on an open firmware. According to Yubico's FAQ, this is due to "best security practices": "There is a 'no upgrade' policy for our devices since nothing, including malware, can write to the firmware." I find this decision questionable in a context where security updates are often more important than trying to design a bulletproof design, which may simply be impossible. And the YubiKey NEO did suffer from critical security issue that allowed attackers to bypass the PIN protection on the card, which raises the question of the actual protection of the private key material on those cards. According to Niibe, "some OpenPGP cards store the private key unencrypted. It is a common attitude for many smartcard implementations", which was confirmed by Suhr: "the private key is protected by hardware mechanisms which prevent its extraction and misuse". He is referring to the use of tamper resistance. After that security issue, there was no other option for YubiKey NEO users than to get a new keycard (for free, thankfully) from Yubico, which also meant discarding the private key material on the key. For OpenPGP keys, this may mean having to bootstrap the web of trust from scratch if the keycard was responsible for the main certification key. But at least the NEO is running free software based on the OpenPGP card applet and the source is still available on GitHub. The YubiKey 4, on the other hand, is now closed source, which was controversial when the new model was announced last year. It led the main Linux Foundation system administrator, Konstantin Ryabitsev, to withdraw his endorsement of Yubico products. In response, Yubico argued that this approach was essential to the security of its devices, which are now based on "a secure chip, which has built-in countermeasures to mitigate a long list of attacks". In particular, it claims that:
A commercial-grade AVR or ARM controller is unfit to be used in a security product. In most cases, these controllers are easy to attack, from breaking in via a debug/JTAG/TAP port to probing memory contents. Various forms of fault injection and side-channel analysis are possible, sometimes allowing for a complete key recovery in a shockingly short period of time.
While I understand those concerns, they eventually come down to the trust you have in an organization. Not only do we have to trust Yubico, but also hardware manufacturers and designs they have chosen. Every step in the hidden supply chain is then trusted to make correct technical decisions and not introduce any backdoors. History, unfortunately, is not on Yubico's side: Snowden revealed the example of RSA security accepting what renowned cryptographer Bruce Schneier described as a "bribe" from the NSA to weaken its ECC implementation, by using the presumably backdoored Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm. What makes Yubico or its suppliers so different from RSA Security? Remember that RSA Security used to be an adamant opponent to the degradation of encryption standards, campaigning against the Clipper chip in the first crypto wars. Even if we trust the Yubico supply chain, how can we trust a closed design using what basically amounts to security through obscurity? Publicly auditable designs are an important tradition in cryptography, and that principle shouldn't stop when software is frozen into silicon. In fact, a critical vulnerability called ROCA disclosed recently affects closed "smartcards" like the YubiKey 4 and allows full private key recovery from the public key if the key was generated on a vulnerable keycard. When speaking with Ars Technica, the researchers outlined the importance of open designs and questioned the reliability of certification:
Our work highlights the dangers of keeping the design secret and the implementation closed-source, even if both are thoroughly analyzed and certified by experts. The lack of public information causes a delay in the discovery of flaws (and hinders the process of checking for them), thereby increasing the number of already deployed and affected devices at the time of detection.
This issue with open hardware designs seems to be recurring topic of conversation on the Gnuk mailing list. For example, there was a discussion in September 2017 regarding possible hardware vulnerabilities in the STM MCU that would allow extraction of encrypted key material from the key. Niibe referred to a talk presented at the WOOT 17 workshop, where Johannes Obermaier and Stefan Tatschner, from the Fraunhofer Institute, demonstrated attacks against the STMF0 family MCUs. It is still unclear if those attacks also apply to the older STMF1 design used in the FST-01, however. Furthermore, extracted private key material is still protected by user passphrase, but the Gnuk uses a weak key derivation function, so brute-forcing attacks may be possible. Fortunately, there is work in progress to make GnuPG hash the passphrase before sending it to the keycard, which should make such attacks harder if not completely pointless. When asked about the Yubico claims in a private email, Niibe did recognize that "it is true that there are more weak points in general purpose implementations than special implementations". During the last DebConf in Montreal, Niibe explained:
If you don't trust me, you should not buy from me. Source code availability is only a single factor: someone can maliciously replace the firmware to enable advanced attacks.
Niibe recommends to "build the firmware yourself", also saying the design of the FST-01 uses normal hardware that "everyone can replicate". Those advantages are hard to deny for a cryptographic system: using more generic components makes it harder for hostile parties to mount targeted attacks. A counter-argument here is that it can be difficult for a regular user to audit such designs, let alone physically build the device from scratch but, in a mailing list discussion, Debian developer Ian Jackson explained that:
You don't need to be able to validate it personally. The thing spooks most hate is discovery. Backdooring supposedly-free hardware is harder (more costly) because it comes with greater risk of discovery. To put it concretely: if they backdoor all of them, someone (not necessarily you) might notice. (Backdooring only yours involves messing with the shipping arrangements and so on, and supposes that you specifically are of interest.)
Since that, as far as we know, the STM microcontrollers are not backdoored, I would tend to favor those devices instead of proprietary ones, as such a backdoor would be more easily detectable than in a closed design. Even though physical attacks may be possible against those microcontrollers, in the end, if an attacker has physical access to a keycard, I consider the key compromised, even if it has the best chip on the market. In our email exchange, Niibe argued that "when a token is lost, it is better to revoke keys, even if the token is considered secure enough". So like any other device, physical compromise of tokens may mean compromise of the key and should trigger key-revocation procedures.

Algorithms and performance To establish reliable performance results, I wrote a benchmark program naively called crypto-bench that could produce comparable results between the different keys. The program takes each algorithm/keycard combination and runs 1000 decryptions of a 16-byte file (one AES-128 block) using GnuPG, after priming it to get the password cached. I assume the overhead of GnuPG calls to be negligible, as it should be the same across all tokens, so comparisons are possible. AES encryption is constant across all tests as it is always performed on the host and fast enough to be irrelevant in the tests. I used the following:
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz running Debian 9 ("stretch"/stable amd64), using GnuPG 2.1.18-6 (from the stable Debian package)
  • Nitrokey Pro 0.8 (latest firmware)
  • FST-01, running Gnuk version 1.2.5 (latest firmware)
  • YubiKey NEO OpenPGP applet 1.0.10 (not upgradable)
  • YubiKey 4 4.2.6 (not upgradable)
I ran crypto-bench for each keycard, which resulted in the following:
Algorithm Device Mean time (s)
ECDH-Curve25519 CPU 0.036
FST-01 0.135
RSA-2048 CPU 0.016
YubiKey-4 0.162
Nitrokey-Pro 0.610
YubiKey-NEO 0.736
FST-01 1.265
RSA-4096 CPU 0.043
YubiKey-4 0.875
Nitrokey-Pro 3.150
FST-01 8.218
Decryption graph There we see the performance of the four keycards I tested, compared with the same operations done without a keycard: the "CPU" device. That provides the baseline time of GnuPG decrypting the file. The first obvious observation is that using a keycard is slower: in the best scenario (FST-01 + ECC) we see a four-fold slowdown, but in the worst case (also FST-01, but RSA-4096), we see a catastrophic 200-fold slowdown. When I presented the results on the Gnuk mailing list, GnuPG developer Werner Koch confirmed those "numbers are as expected":
With a crypto chip RSA is much faster. By design the Gnuk can't be as fast - it is just a simple MCU. However, using Curve25519 Gnuk is really fast.
And yes, the FST-01 is really fast at doing ECC, but it's also the only keycard that handles ECC in my tests; the Nitrokey Start and Nitrokey HSM should support it as well, but I haven't been able to test those devices. Also note that the YubiKey NEO doesn't support RSA-4096 at all, so we can only compare RSA-2048 across keycards. We should note, however, that ECC is slower than RSA on the CPU, which suggests the Gnuk ECC implementation used by the FST-01 is exceptionally fast. In discussions about improving the performance of the FST-01, Niibe estimated the user tolerance threshold to be "2 seconds decryption time". In a new design using the STM32L432 microcontroller, Aurelien Jarno was able to bring the numbers for RSA-2048 decryption from 1.27s down to 0.65s, and for RSA-4096, from 8.22s down to 3.87s seconds. RSA-4096 is still beyond the two-second threshold, but at least it brings the FST-01 close to the YubiKey NEO and Nitrokey Pro performance levels. We should also underline the superior performance of the YubiKey 4: whatever that thing is doing, it's doing it faster than anyone else. It does RSA-4096 faster than the FST-01 does RSA-2048, and almost as fast as the Nitrokey Pro does RSA-2048. We should also note that the Nitrokey Pro also fails to cross the two-second threshold for RSA-4096 decryption. For me, the FST-01's stellar performance with ECC outshines the other devices. Maybe it says more about the efficiency of the algorithm than the FST-01 or Gnuk's design, but it's definitely an interesting avenue for people who want to deploy those modern algorithms. So, in terms of performance, it is clear that both the YubiKey 4 and the FST-01 take the prize in their own areas (RSA and ECC, respectively).

Conclusion In the above presentation, I have evaluated four cryptographic keycards for use with various OpenPGP operations. What the results show is that the only efficient way of storing a 4096-bit encryption key on a keycard would be to use the YubiKey 4. Unfortunately, I do not feel we should put our trust in such closed designs so I would argue you should either stick with 2048-bit encryption subkeys or keep the keys on disk. Considering that losing such a key would be catastrophic, this might be a good approach anyway. You should also consider switching to ECC encryption: even though it may not be supported everywhere, GnuPG supports having multiple encryption subkeys on a keyring: if one algorithm is unsupported (e.g. GnuPG 1.4 doesn't support ECC), it will fall back to a supported algorithm (e.g. RSA). Do not forget your previously encrypted material doesn't magically re-encrypt itself using your new encryption subkey, however. For authentication and signing keys, speed is not such an issue, so I would warmly recommend either the Nitrokey Pro or Start, or the FST-01, depending on whether you want to start experimenting with ECC algorithms. Availability also seems to be an issue for the FST-01. While you can generally get the device when you meet Niibe in person for a few bucks (I bought mine for around \$30 Canadian), the Seeed online shop says the device is out of stock at the time of this writing, even though Jonathan McDowell said that may be inaccurate in a debian-project discussion. Nevertheless, this issue may make the Nitrokey devices more attractive. When deciding on using the Pro or Start, Suhr offered the following advice:
In practice smart card security has been proven to work well (at least if you use a decent smart card). Therefore the Nitrokey Pro should be used for high security cases. If you don't trust the smart card or if Nitrokey Start is just sufficient for you, you can choose that one. This is why we offer both models.
So far, I have created a signing subkey and moved that and my authentication key to the YubiKey NEO, because it's a device I physically trust to keep itself together in my pockets and I was already using it. It has served me well so far, especially with its extra features like U2F and HOTP support, which I use frequently. Those features are also available on the Nitrokey Pro, so that may be an alternative if I lose the YubiKey. I will probably move my main certification key to the FST-01 and a LUKS-encrypted USB disk, to keep that certification key offline but backed up on two different devices. As for the encryption key, I'll wait for keycard performance to improve, or simply switch my whole keyring to ECC and use the FST-01 or Nitrokey Start for that purpose.
[The author would like to thank Nitrokey for providing hardware for testing.] This article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

2 October 2017

Antoine Beaupr : Strategies for offline PGP key storage

While the adoption of OpenPGP by the general population is marginal at best, it is a critical component for the security community and particularly for Linux distributions. For example, every package uploaded into Debian is verified by the central repository using the maintainer's OpenPGP keys and the repository itself is, in turn, signed using a separate key. If upstream packages also use such signatures, this creates a complete trust path from the original upstream developer to users. Beyond that, pull requests for the Linux kernel are verified using signatures as well. Therefore, the stakes are high: a compromise of the release key, or even of a single maintainer's key, could enable devastating attacks against many machines. That has led the Debian community to develop a good grasp of best practices for cryptographic signatures (which are typically handled using GNU Privacy Guard, also known as GnuPG or GPG). For example, weak (less than 2048 bits) and vulnerable PGPv3 keys were removed from the keyring in 2015, and there is a strong culture of cross-signing keys between Debian members at in-person meetings. Yet even Debian developers (DDs) do not seem to have established practices on how to actually store critical private key material, as we can see in this discussion on the debian-project mailing list. That email boiled down to a simple request: can I have a "key dongles for dummies" tutorial? Key dongles, or keycards as we'll call them here, are small devices that allow users to store keys on an offline device and provide one possible solution for protecting private key material. In this article, I hope to use my experience in this domain to clarify the issue of how to store those precious private keys that, if compromised, could enable arbitrary code execution on millions of machines all over the world.

Why store keys offline? Before we go into details about storing keys offline, it may be useful to do a small reminder of how the OpenPGP standard works. OpenPGP keys are made of a main public/private key pair, the certification key, used to sign user identifiers and subkeys. My public key, shown below, has the usual main certification/signature key (marked SC) but also an encryption subkey (marked E), a separate signature key (S), and two authentication keys (marked A) which I use as RSA keys to log into servers using SSH, thanks to the Monkeysphere project.
    pub   rsa4096/792152527B75921E 2009-05-29 [SC] [expires: 2018-04-19]
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    sub   rsa2048/B7F648FED2DF2587 2012-07-18 [A]
    sub   rsa2048/604E4B3EEE02855A 2012-07-20 [A]
    sub   rsa4096/A51D5B109C5A5581 2009-05-29 [E]
    sub   rsa2048/3EA1DDDDB261D97B 2017-08-23 [S]
All the subkeys (sub) and identities (uid) are bound by the main certification key using cryptographic self-signatures. So while an attacker stealing a private subkey can spoof signatures in my name or authenticate to other servers, that key can always be revoked by the main certification key. But if the certification key gets stolen, all bets are off: the attacker can create or revoke identities or subkeys as they wish. In a catastrophic scenario, an attacker could even steal the key and remove your copies, taking complete control of the key, without any possibility of recovery. Incidentally, this is why it is so important to generate a revocation certificate and store it offline. So by moving the certification key offline, we reduce the attack surface on the OpenPGP trust chain: day-to-day keys (e.g. email encryption or signature) can stay online but if they get stolen, the certification key can revoke those keys without having to revoke the main certification key as well. Note that a stolen encryption key is a different problem: even if we revoke the encryption subkey, this will only affect future encrypted messages. Previous messages will be readable by the attacker with the stolen subkey even if that subkey gets revoked, so the benefits of revoking encryption certificates are more limited.

Common strategies for offline key storage Considering the security tradeoffs, some propose storing those critical keys offline to reduce those threats. But where exactly? In an attempt to answer that question, Jonathan McDowell, a member of the Debian keyring maintenance team, said that there are three options: use an external LUKS-encrypted volume, an air-gapped system, or a keycard. Full-disk encryption like LUKS adds an extra layer of security by hiding the content of the key from an attacker. Even though private keyrings are usually protected by a passphrase, they are easily identifiable as a keyring. But when a volume is fully encrypted, it's not immediately obvious to an attacker there is private key material on the device. According to Sean Whitton, another advantage of LUKS over plain GnuPG keyring encryption is that you can pass the --iter-time argument when creating a LUKS partition to increase key-derivation delay, which makes brute-forcing much harder. Indeed, GnuPG 2.x doesn't have a run-time option to configure the key-derivation algorithm, although a patch was introduced recently to make the delay configurable at compile time in gpg-agent, which is now responsible for all secret key operations. The downside of external volumes is complexity: GnuPG makes it difficult to extract secrets out of its keyring, which makes the first setup tricky and error-prone. This is easier in the 2.x series thanks to the new storage system and the associated keygrip files, but it still requires arcane knowledge of GPG internals. It is also inconvenient to use secret keys stored outside your main keyring when you actually do need to use them, as GPG doesn't know where to find those keys anymore. Another option is to set up a separate air-gapped system to perform certification operations. An example is the PGP clean room project, which is a live system based on Debian and designed by DD Daniel Pocock to operate an OpenPGP and X.509 certificate authority using commodity hardware. The basic principle is to store the secrets on a different machine that is never connected to the network and, therefore, not exposed to attacks, at least in theory. I have personally discarded that approach because I feel air-gapped systems provide a false sense of security: data eventually does need to come in and out of the system, somehow, even if only to propagate signatures out of the system, which exposes the system to attacks. System updates are similarly problematic: to keep the system secure, timely security updates need to be deployed to the air-gapped system. A common use pattern is to share data through USB keys, which introduce a vulnerability where attacks like BadUSB can infect the air-gapped system. From there, there is a multitude of exotic ways of exfiltrating the data using LEDs, infrared cameras, or the good old TEMPEST attack. I therefore concluded the complexity tradeoffs of an air-gapped system are not worth it. Furthermore, the workflow for air-gapped systems is complex: even though PGP clean room went a long way, it's still lacking even simple scripts that allow signing or transferring keys, which is a problem shared by the external LUKS storage approach.

Keycard advantages The approach I have chosen is to use a cryptographic keycard: an external device, usually connected through the USB port, that stores the private key material and performs critical cryptographic operations on the behalf of the host. For example, the FST-01 keycard can perform RSA and ECC public-key decryption without ever exposing the private key material to the host. In effect, a keycard is a miniature computer that performs restricted computations for another host. Keycards usually support multiple "slots" to store subkeys. The OpenPGP standard specifies there are three subkeys available by default: for signature, authentication, and encryption. Finally, keycards can have an actual physical keypad to enter passwords so a potential keylogger cannot capture them, although the keycards I have access to do not feature such a keypad. We could easily draw a parallel between keycards and an air-gapped system; in effect, a keycard is a miniaturized air-gapped computer and suffers from similar problems. An attacker can intercept data on the host system and attack the device in the same way, if not more easily, because a keycard is actually "online" (i.e. clearly not air-gapped) when connected. The advantage over a fully-fledged air-gapped computer, however, is that the keycard implements only a restricted set of operations. So it is easier to create an open hardware and software design that is audited and verified, which is much harder to accomplish for a general-purpose computer. Like air-gapped systems, keycards address the scenario where an attacker wants to get the private key material. While an attacker could fool the keycard into signing or decrypting some data, this is possible only while the key is physically connected, and the keycard software will prompt the user for a password before doing the operation, though the keycard can cache the password for some time. In effect, it thwarts offline attacks: to brute-force the key's password, the attacker needs to be on the target system and try to guess the keycard's password, which will lock itself after a limited number of tries. It also provides for a clean and standard interface to store keys offline: a single GnuPG command moves private key material to a keycard (the keytocard command in the --edit-key interface), whereas moving private key material to a LUKS-encrypted device or air-gapped computer is more complex. Keycards are also useful if you operate on multiple computers. A common problem when using GnuPG on multiple machines is how to safely copy and synchronize private key material among different devices, which introduces new security problems. Indeed, a "good rule of thumb in a forensics lab", according to Robert J. Hansen on the GnuPG mailing list, is to "store the minimum personal data possible on your systems". Keycards provide the best of both worlds here: you can use your private key on multiple computers without actually storing it in multiple places. In fact, Mike Gerwitz went as far as saying:
For users that need their GPG key on multiple boxes, I consider a smartcard to be essential. Otherwise, the user is just furthering her risk of compromise.

Keycard tradeoffs As Gerwitz hinted, there are multiple downsides to using a keycard, however. Another DD, Wouter Verhelst clearly expressed the tradeoffs:
Smartcards are useful. They ensure that the private half of your key is never on any hard disk or other general storage device, and therefore that it cannot possibly be stolen (because there's only one possible copy of it). Smartcards are a pain in the ass. They ensure that the private half of your key is never on any hard disk or other general storage device but instead sits in your wallet, so whenever you need to access it, you need to grab your wallet to be able to do so, which takes more effort than just firing up GnuPG. If your laptop doesn't have a builtin cardreader, you also need to fish the reader from your backpack or wherever, etc.
"Smartcards" here refer to older OpenPGP cards that relied on the IEC 7816 smartcard connectors and therefore needed a specially-built smartcard reader. Newer keycards simply use a standard USB connector. In any case, it's true that having an external device introduces new issues: attackers can steal your keycard, you can simply lose it, or wash it with your dirty laundry. A laptop or a computer can also be lost, of course, but it is much easier to lose a small USB keycard than a full laptop and I have yet to hear of someone shoving a full laptop into a washing machine. When you lose your keycard, unless a separate revocation certificate is available somewhere, you lose complete control of the key, which is catastrophic. But, even if you revoke the lost key, you need to create a new one, which involves rebuilding the web of trust for the key a rather expensive operation as it usually requires meeting other OpenPGP users in person to exchange fingerprints. You should therefore think about how to back up the certification key, which is a problem that already exists for online keys; of course, everyone has a revocation certificates and backups of their OpenPGP keys... right? In the keycard scenario, backups may be multiple keycards distributed geographically. Note that, contrary to an air-gapped system, a key generated on a keycard cannot be backed up, by design. For subkeys, this is not a problem as they do not need to be backed up (except encryption keys). But, for a certification key, this means users need to generate the key on the host and transfer it to the keycard, which means the host is expected to have enough entropy to generate cryptographic-strength random numbers, for example. Also consider the possibility of combining different approaches: you could, for example, use a keycard for day-to-day operation, but keep a backup of the certification key on a LUKS-encrypted offline volume. Keycards introduce a new element into the trust chain: you need to trust the keycard manufacturer to not have any hostile code in the key's firmware or hardware. In addition, you need to trust that the implementation is correct. Keycards are harder to update: the firmware may be deliberately inaccessible to the host for security reasons or may require special software to manipulate. Keycards may be slower than the CPU in performing certain operations because they are small embedded microcontrollers with limited computing power. Finally, keycards may encourage users to trust multiple machines with their secrets, which works against the "minimum personal data" principle. A completely different approach called the trusted physical console (TPC) does the opposite: instead of trying to get private key material onto all of those machines, just have them on a single machine that is used for everything. Unlike a keycard, the TPC is an actual computer, say a laptop, which has the advantage of needing no special procedure to manage keys. The downside is, of course, that you actually need to carry that laptop everywhere you go, which may be problematic, especially in some corporate environments that restrict bringing your own devices.

Quick keycard "howto" Getting keys onto a keycard is easy enough:
  1. Start with a temporary key to test the procedure:
        export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
        gpg --generate-key
  2. Edit the key using its user ID (UID):
        gpg --edit-key UID
  3. Use the key command to select the first subkey, then copy it to the keycard (you can also use the addcardkey command to just generate a new subkey directly on the keycard):
        gpg> key 1
        gpg> keytocard
  4. If you want to move the subkey, use the save command, which will remove the local copy of the private key, so the keycard will be the only copy of the secret key. Otherwise use the quit command to save the key on the keycard, but keep the secret key in your normal keyring; answer "n" to "save changes?" and "y" to "quit without saving?" . This way the keycard is a backup of your secret key.
  5. Once you are satisfied with the results, repeat steps 1 through 4 with your normal keyring (unset $GNUPGHOME)
When a key is moved to a keycard, --list-secret-keys will show it as sec> (or ssb> for subkeys) instead of the usual sec keyword. If the key is completely missing (for example, if you moved it to a LUKS container), the # sign is used instead. If you need to use a key from a keycard backup, you simply do gpg --card-edit with the key plugged in, then type the fetch command at the prompt to fetch the public key that corresponds to the private key on the keycard (which stays on the keycard). This is the same procedure as the one to use the secret key on another computer.

Conclusion There are already informal OpenPGP best-practices guides out there and some recommend storing keys offline, but they rarely explain what exactly that means. Storing your primary secret key offline is important in dealing with possible compromises and we examined the main ways of doing so: either with an air-gapped system, LUKS-encrypted keyring, or by using keycards. Each approach has its own tradeoffs, but I recommend getting familiar with keycards if you use multiple computers and want a standardized interface with minimal configuration trouble. And of course, those approaches can be combined. This tutorial, for example, uses a keycard on an air-gapped computer, which neatly resolves the question of how to transmit signatures between the air-gapped system and the world. It is definitely not for the faint of heart, however. Once one has decided to use a keycard, the next order of business is to choose a specific device. That choice will be addressed in a followup article, where I will look at performance, physical design, and other considerations.
This article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

Antoine Beaupr : Strategies for offline PGP key storage

While the adoption of OpenPGP by the general population is marginal at best, it is a critical component for the security community and particularly for Linux distributions. For example, every package uploaded into Debian is verified by the central repository using the maintainer's OpenPGP keys and the repository itself is, in turn, signed using a separate key. If upstream packages also use such signatures, this creates a complete trust path from the original upstream developer to users. Beyond that, pull requests for the Linux kernel are verified using signatures as well. Therefore, the stakes are high: a compromise of the release key, or even of a single maintainer's key, could enable devastating attacks against many machines. That has led the Debian community to develop a good grasp of best practices for cryptographic signatures (which are typically handled using GNU Privacy Guard, also known as GnuPG or GPG). For example, weak (less than 2048 bits) and vulnerable PGPv3 keys were removed from the keyring in 2015, and there is a strong culture of cross-signing keys between Debian members at in-person meetings. Yet even Debian developers (DDs) do not seem to have established practices on how to actually store critical private key material, as we can see in this discussion on the debian-project mailing list. That email boiled down to a simple request: can I have a "key dongles for dummies" tutorial? Key dongles, or keycards as we'll call them here, are small devices that allow users to store keys on an offline device and provide one possible solution for protecting private key material. In this article, I hope to use my experience in this domain to clarify the issue of how to store those precious private keys that, if compromised, could enable arbitrary code execution on millions of machines all over the world.

Why store keys offline? Before we go into details about storing keys offline, it may be useful to do a small reminder of how the OpenPGP standard works. OpenPGP keys are made of a main public/private key pair, the certification key, used to sign user identifiers and subkeys. My public key, shown below, has the usual main certification/signature key (marked SC) but also an encryption subkey (marked E), a separate signature key (S), and two authentication keys (marked A) which I use as RSA keys to log into servers using SSH, thanks to the Monkeysphere project.
    pub   rsa4096/792152527B75921E 2009-05-29 [SC] [expires: 2018-04-19]
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    uid                 [ultimate] Antoine Beaupr  <>
    sub   rsa2048/B7F648FED2DF2587 2012-07-18 [A]
    sub   rsa2048/604E4B3EEE02855A 2012-07-20 [A]
    sub   rsa4096/A51D5B109C5A5581 2009-05-29 [E]
    sub   rsa2048/3EA1DDDDB261D97B 2017-08-23 [S]
All the subkeys (sub) and identities (uid) are bound by the main certification key using cryptographic self-signatures. So while an attacker stealing a private subkey can spoof signatures in my name or authenticate to other servers, that key can always be revoked by the main certification key. But if the certification key gets stolen, all bets are off: the attacker can create or revoke identities or subkeys as they wish. In a catastrophic scenario, an attacker could even steal the key and remove your copies, taking complete control of the key, without any possibility of recovery. Incidentally, this is why it is so important to generate a revocation certificate and store it offline. So by moving the certification key offline, we reduce the attack surface on the OpenPGP trust chain: day-to-day keys (e.g. email encryption or signature) can stay online but if they get stolen, the certification key can revoke those keys without having to revoke the main certification key as well. Note that a stolen encryption key is a different problem: even if we revoke the encryption subkey, this will only affect future encrypted messages. Previous messages will be readable by the attacker with the stolen subkey even if that subkey gets revoked, so the benefits of revoking encryption certificates are more limited.

Common strategies for offline key storage Considering the security tradeoffs, some propose storing those critical keys offline to reduce those threats. But where exactly? In an attempt to answer that question, Jonathan McDowell, a member of the Debian keyring maintenance team, said that there are three options: use an external LUKS-encrypted volume, an air-gapped system, or a keycard. Full-disk encryption like LUKS adds an extra layer of security by hiding the content of the key from an attacker. Even though private keyrings are usually protected by a passphrase, they are easily identifiable as a keyring. But when a volume is fully encrypted, it's not immediately obvious to an attacker there is private key material on the device. According to Sean Whitton, another advantage of LUKS over plain GnuPG keyring encryption is that you can pass the --iter-time argument when creating a LUKS partition to increase key-derivation delay, which makes brute-forcing much harder. Indeed, GnuPG 2.x doesn't have a run-time option to configure the key-derivation algorithm, although a patch was introduced recently to make the delay configurable at compile time in gpg-agent, which is now responsible for all secret key operations. The downside of external volumes is complexity: GnuPG makes it difficult to extract secrets out of its keyring, which makes the first setup tricky and error-prone. This is easier in the 2.x series thanks to the new storage system and the associated keygrip files, but it still requires arcane knowledge of GPG internals. It is also inconvenient to use secret keys stored outside your main keyring when you actually do need to use them, as GPG doesn't know where to find those keys anymore. Another option is to set up a separate air-gapped system to perform certification operations. An example is the PGP clean room project, which is a live system based on Debian and designed by DD Daniel Pocock to operate an OpenPGP and X.509 certificate authority using commodity hardware. The basic principle is to store the secrets on a different machine that is never connected to the network and, therefore, not exposed to attacks, at least in theory. I have personally discarded that approach because I feel air-gapped systems provide a false sense of security: data eventually does need to come in and out of the system, somehow, even if only to propagate signatures out of the system, which exposes the system to attacks. System updates are similarly problematic: to keep the system secure, timely security updates need to be deployed to the air-gapped system. A common use pattern is to share data through USB keys, which introduce a vulnerability where attacks like BadUSB can infect the air-gapped system. From there, there is a multitude of exotic ways of exfiltrating the data using LEDs, infrared cameras, or the good old TEMPEST attack. I therefore concluded the complexity tradeoffs of an air-gapped system are not worth it. Furthermore, the workflow for air-gapped systems is complex: even though PGP clean room went a long way, it's still lacking even simple scripts that allow signing or transferring keys, which is a problem shared by the external LUKS storage approach.

Keycard advantages The approach I have chosen is to use a cryptographic keycard: an external device, usually connected through the USB port, that stores the private key material and performs critical cryptographic operations on the behalf of the host. For example, the FST-01 keycard can perform RSA and ECC public-key decryption without ever exposing the private key material to the host. In effect, a keycard is a miniature computer that performs restricted computations for another host. Keycards usually support multiple "slots" to store subkeys. The OpenPGP standard specifies there are three subkeys available by default: for signature, authentication, and encryption. Finally, keycards can have an actual physical keypad to enter passwords so a potential keylogger cannot capture them, although the keycards I have access to do not feature such a keypad. We could easily draw a parallel between keycards and an air-gapped system; in effect, a keycard is a miniaturized air-gapped computer and suffers from similar problems. An attacker can intercept data on the host system and attack the device in the same way, if not more easily, because a keycard is actually "online" (i.e. clearly not air-gapped) when connected. The advantage over a fully-fledged air-gapped computer, however, is that the keycard implements only a restricted set of operations. So it is easier to create an open hardware and software design that is audited and verified, which is much harder to accomplish for a general-purpose computer. Like air-gapped systems, keycards address the scenario where an attacker wants to get the private key material. While an attacker could fool the keycard into signing or decrypting some data, this is possible only while the key is physically connected, and the keycard software will prompt the user for a password before doing the operation, though the keycard can cache the password for some time. In effect, it thwarts offline attacks: to brute-force the key's password, the attacker needs to be on the target system and try to guess the keycard's password, which will lock itself after a limited number of tries. It also provides for a clean and standard interface to store keys offline: a single GnuPG command moves private key material to a keycard (the keytocard command in the --edit-key interface), whereas moving private key material to a LUKS-encrypted device or air-gapped computer is more complex. Keycards are also useful if you operate on multiple computers. A common problem when using GnuPG on multiple machines is how to safely copy and synchronize private key material among different devices, which introduces new security problems. Indeed, a "good rule of thumb in a forensics lab", according to Robert J. Hansen on the GnuPG mailing list, is to "store the minimum personal data possible on your systems". Keycards provide the best of both worlds here: you can use your private key on multiple computers without actually storing it in multiple places. In fact, Mike Gerwitz went as far as saying:
For users that need their GPG key on multiple boxes, I consider a smartcard to be essential. Otherwise, the user is just furthering her risk of compromise.

Keycard tradeoffs As Gerwitz hinted, there are multiple downsides to using a keycard, however. Another DD, Wouter Verhelst clearly expressed the tradeoffs:
Smartcards are useful. They ensure that the private half of your key is never on any hard disk or other general storage device, and therefore that it cannot possibly be stolen (because there's only one possible copy of it). Smartcards are a pain in the ass. They ensure that the private half of your key is never on any hard disk or other general storage device but instead sits in your wallet, so whenever you need to access it, you need to grab your wallet to be able to do so, which takes more effort than just firing up GnuPG. If your laptop doesn't have a builtin cardreader, you also need to fish the reader from your backpack or wherever, etc.
"Smartcards" here refer to older OpenPGP cards that relied on the IEC 7816 smartcard connectors and therefore needed a specially-built smartcard reader. Newer keycards simply use a standard USB connector. In any case, it's true that having an external device introduces new issues: attackers can steal your keycard, you can simply lose it, or wash it with your dirty laundry. A laptop or a computer can also be lost, of course, but it is much easier to lose a small USB keycard than a full laptop and I have yet to hear of someone shoving a full laptop into a washing machine. When you lose your keycard, unless a separate revocation certificate is available somewhere, you lose complete control of the key, which is catastrophic. But, even if you revoke the lost key, you need to create a new one, which involves rebuilding the web of trust for the key a rather expensive operation as it usually requires meeting other OpenPGP users in person to exchange fingerprints. You should therefore think about how to back up the certification key, which is a problem that already exists for online keys; of course, everyone has a revocation certificates and backups of their OpenPGP keys... right? In the keycard scenario, backups may be multiple keycards distributed geographically. Note that, contrary to an air-gapped system, a key generated on a keycard cannot be backed up, by design. For subkeys, this is not a problem as they do not need to be backed up (except encryption keys). But, for a certification key, this means users need to generate the key on the host and transfer it to the keycard, which means the host is expected to have enough entropy to generate cryptographic-strength random numbers, for example. Also consider the possibility of combining different approaches: you could, for example, use a keycard for day-to-day operation, but keep a backup of the certification key on a LUKS-encrypted offline volume. Keycards introduce a new element into the trust chain: you need to trust the keycard manufacturer to not have any hostile code in the key's firmware or hardware. In addition, you need to trust that the implementation is correct. Keycards are harder to update: the firmware may be deliberately inaccessible to the host for security reasons or may require special software to manipulate. Keycards may be slower than the CPU in performing certain operations because they are small embedded microcontrollers with limited computing power. Finally, keycards may encourage users to trust multiple machines with their secrets, which works against the "minimum personal data" principle. A completely different approach called the trusted physical console (TPC) does the opposite: instead of trying to get private key material onto all of those machines, just have them on a single machine that is used for everything. Unlike a keycard, the TPC is an actual computer, say a laptop, which has the advantage of needing no special procedure to manage keys. The downside is, of course, that you actually need to carry that laptop everywhere you go, which may be problematic, especially in some corporate environments that restrict bringing your own devices.

Quick keycard "howto" Getting keys onto a keycard is easy enough:
  1. Start with a temporary key to test the procedure:
        export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
        gpg --generate-key
  2. Edit the key using its user ID (UID):
        gpg --edit-key UID
  3. Use the key command to select the first subkey, then copy it to the keycard (you can also use the addcardkey command to just generate a new subkey directly on the keycard):
        gpg> key 1
        gpg> keytocard
  4. If you want to move the subkey, use the save command, which will remove the local copy of the private key, so the keycard will be the only copy of the secret key. Otherwise use the quit command to save the key on the keycard, but keep the secret key in your normal keyring; answer "n" to "save changes?" and "y" to "quit without saving?" . This way the keycard is a backup of your secret key.
  5. Once you are satisfied with the results, repeat steps 1 through 4 with your normal keyring (unset $GNUPGHOME)
When a key is moved to a keycard, --list-secret-keys will show it as sec> (or ssb> for subkeys) instead of the usual sec keyword. If the key is completely missing (for example, if you moved it to a LUKS container), the # sign is used instead. If you need to use a key from a keycard backup, you simply do gpg --card-edit with the key plugged in, then type the fetch command at the prompt to fetch the public key that corresponds to the private key on the keycard (which stays on the keycard). This is the same procedure as the one to use the secret key on another computer.

Conclusion There are already informal OpenPGP best-practices guides out there and some recommend storing keys offline, but they rarely explain what exactly that means. Storing your primary secret key offline is important in dealing with possible compromises and we examined the main ways of doing so: either with an air-gapped system, LUKS-encrypted keyring, or by using keycards. Each approach has its own tradeoffs, but I recommend getting familiar with keycards if you use multiple computers and want a standardized interface with minimal configuration trouble. And of course, those approaches can be combined. This tutorial, for example, uses a keycard on an air-gapped computer, which neatly resolves the question of how to transmit signatures between the air-gapped system and the world. It is definitely not for the faint of heart, however. Once one has decided to use a keycard, the next order of business is to choose a specific device. That choice will be addressed in a followup article, where I will look at performance, physical design, and other considerations.
This article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

31 August 2017

Jonathan McDowell: C, floating point, and help!

Floating point is a pain. I know this. But I recently took over the sigrok packages in Debian and as part of updating to the latest libsigkrok4 library enabled the post compilation tests. Which promptly failed on i386. Some narrowing down of the problem leads to the following test case (which fails on both gcc-6 under Debian/Stretch and gcc-7 on Debian/Testing):
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t)((1.034567) * (uint64_t)(1000000ULL)));
We expect to see 1.034567 printed out. On x86_64 we do:
$ arch
$ gcc -Wall t.c -o t ; ./t
If we compile for 32-bit the result is also as expected:
$ gcc -Wall -m32 t.c -o t ; ./t
Where things get interesting is when we enable --std=c99:
$ gcc -Wall --std=c99 t.c -o t ; ./t
$ gcc -Wall -m32 --std=c99 t.c -o t ; ./t
What? It turns out all the cXX standards result in the last digit incorrectly being 6, while the gnuXX standards (gnu11 is apparently the default) result in the correct trailing 7. Is there some postfix I can add to the value to prevent the floating point truncation taking place? Or do I just have to accept this? It works fine on armel, so it s not a simple 32/64 bit issue.

27 August 2017

Jonathan McDowell: On my way home from OMGWTFBBQ

I started writing this while sitting in Stansted on my way home from the annual UK Debian BBQ. I m finally home now, after a great weekend catching up with folk. It s a good social event for a bunch of Debian folk, and I m very grateful that Steve and Jo continue to make it happen. These days there are also a number of generous companies chipping in towards the cost of food and drink, so thanks also to Codethink and QvarnLabs AB for the food, Collabora and Mythic Beasts for the beer and Chris for the coffee. And Rob for chasing us all for contributions to cover the rest. I was trying to remember when the first one of these I attended was; trawling through mail logs there was a Cambridge meetup that ended up at Steve s old place in April 2001, and we ve consistently had the summer BBQ since 2004, but I m not clear on what happened in between. Nonetheless it s become a fixture in the calendar for those of us in the UK (and a number of people from further afield who regularly turn up). We ve become a bit more sedate, but it s good to always see a few new faces, drink some good beer (yay Milton), eat a lot and have some good conversations. This year also managed to get me a SheevaPlug so I could investigate #837989 - a bug with OpenOCD not being able to talk to the device. Turned out to be a channel configuration error in the move to new style FTDI support, so I ve got that fixed locally and pushed the one line fix upstream as well.

22 August 2017

Jonathan McDowell: Notes on upgrading from Jessie to Stretch

I upgraded my last major machine from Jessie to Stretch last week. That machine was the one running the most services, but I d made notes while updating various others to ensure it went smoothly. Below are the things I noted along the way, both for my own reference and in case they are of use to anyone else. Other than those points things were pretty smooth. Nice work by all those involved!

31 July 2017

Jonathan McDowell: How to make a keyring

Every month or two keyring-maint gets a comment about how a key update we say we ve performed hasn t actually made it to the active keyring, or a query about why the keyring is so out of date, or told that although a key has been sent to the HKP interface and that is showing the update as received it isn t working when trying to upload to the Debian archive. It s frustrating to have to deal with these queries, but the confusion is understandable. There are multiple public interfaces to the Debian keyrings and they re not all equal. This post attempts to explain the interactions between them, and how I go about working with them as part of the keyring-maint team. First, a diagram to show the different interfaces to the keyring and how they connect to each other: keyring-maint workflow

Public interfaces

rsync: This is the most important public interface; it s the one that the Debian infrastructure uses. It s the canonical location of the active set of Debian keyrings and is what you should be using if you want the most up to date copy. The validity of the keyrings can be checked using the included sha512sums.txt file, which will be signed by whoever in keyring-maint did the last keyring update.

HKP interface: hkp:// What you talk to with gpg --keyserver Serves out the current keyrings, and accepts updates to any key it already knows about (allowing, for example, expiry updates, new subkeys + uids or new signatures without the need to file a ticket in RT or otherwise explicitly request it). Updates sent to this interface will be available via it within a few hours, but must be manually folded into the active keyring. This in general happens about once a month when preparing for a general update of the keyring; for example b490c1d5f075951e80b22641b2a133c725adaab8. Why not do this automatically? Even though the site uses GnuPG to verify incoming updates there are still occasions we ve seen bugs (such as #787046, where GnuPG would always import subkeys it didn t understand, even when that subkey was already present). Also we don t want to allow just any UID to be part of the keyring. It is thus useful to retain a final set of human based sanity checking for any update before it becomes part of the keyring proper.

Alioth/anonscm: A public mirror of the git repository the keyring-maint team use to maintain the keyring. Every action is recorded here, and in general each commit should be a single action (such as adding a new key, doing a key replacement or moving a key between keyrings). Note that pulling in the updates sent via HKP count as a single action, rather than having a commit per key updated. This mirror is updated whenever a new keyring is made active (i.e. made available via the rsync interface). Until that point pending changes are kept private; we sometimes deal with information such as the fact someone has potentially had a key compromised that we don t want to be public until we ve actually disabled it. Every keyring push (as we refer to the process of making a new keyring active) is tagged with the date it was performed. Releases are also tagged with their codenames, to make it easy to do comparisons over time.

Debian archive This is actually the least important public interface to the keyring, at least from the perspective of the keyring-maint team. No infrastructure makes use of it and while it s mostly updated when a new keyring is made active we only make a concerted effort to do so when it is coming up to release. It s provided as a convenience package rather than something which should be utilised for active verification of which keys are and aren t currently part of the keyring.

Team interface

Master repository: The master git repository for keyring maintenance is stored on AKA This system is centrally managed by DSA, with only DSA and keyring-maint having login rights to it. None of the actual maintenance work takes place here; it is a bare repo providing a central point for the members of keyring-maint to collaborate around.

Private interface

Private working clone This is where all of the actual keyring work happens. I have a local clone of the repository from kaufmann on a personal machine. The key additions / changes I perform all happen here, and are then pushed to the master repository so that they re visible to the rest of the team. When preparing to make a new keyring active the changes that have been sent to the HKP interface are copied from kaufmann via scp and folded in using the pull-updates script. The tree is assembled into keyrings with a simple make and some sanity tests performed using make test. If these are successful the sha512sums.txt file is signed using gpg --clearsign and the output copied over to kaufmann. update-keyrings is then called to update the active keyrings (both rsync + HKP). A git push public pushes the changes to the public repository on anonscm. Finally gbp buildpackage --git-builder='sbuild -d sid' tells git-buildpackage to use sbuild to build a package ready to be uploaded to the archive. Hopefully that helps explain the different stages and outputs of keyring maintenance; I m aware that it would be a good idea for this to exist somewhere on as well and will look at doing so.

24 July 2017

Jonathan McDowell: Learning to love Ansible

This post attempts to chart my journey towards getting usefully started with Ansible to manage my system configurations. It s a high level discussion of how I went about doing so and what I got out of it, rather than including any actual config snippets - there are plenty of great resources out there that handle the actual practicalities of getting started much better than I could. I ve been convinced about the merits of configuration management for machines for a while now; I remember conversations about producing an appropriate set of recipes to reproduce our haphazard development environment reliably over 4 years ago. That never really got dealt with before I left, and as managing systems hasn t been part of my day job since then I never got around to doing more than working my way through the Puppet Learning VM. I do, however, continue to run a number of different Linux machines - a few VMs, a hosted dedicated server and a few physical machines at home and my parents . In particular I have a VM which handles my parents email, and I thought that was a good candidate for trying to properly manage. It s backed up, but it would be nice to be able to redeploy that setup easily if I wanted to move provider, or do hosting for other domains in their own VMs. I picked Ansible, largely because I wanted something lightweight and the agentless design appealed to me. All I really need to do is ensure Python is on the host I want to manage and everything else I can bootstrap using Ansible itself. Plus it meant I could use the version from Debian testing on my laptop and not require backports on the stable machines I wanted to manage. My first attempt was to write a single Ansible YAML file which did all the appropriate things for the email VM; installed Exim/Apache/Roundcube, created users, made sure the appropriate SSH keys were in place, installed configuration files, etc, etc. This did the job, but I found myself thinking it was no better than writing a shell script to do the same things. Things got a lot better when instead of concentrating on a single host I looked at what commonality was shared between hosts. I started with simple things; Debian is my default distro so I created an Ansible role debian-system which configured up APT and ensured package updates were installed. Then I added a task to setup my own account and install my SSH keys. I was then able to deploy those 2 basic steps across a dozen different machine instances. At one point I got an ARM64 VM from Scaleway to play with, and it was great to be able to just add it to my Ansible hosts file and run the playbook against it to get my basic system setup. Adding email configuration got trickier. In addition to my parents email VM I have my own email hosted elsewhere (along with a whole bunch of other users) and the needs of both systems are different. Sitting down and trying to manage both configurations sensibly forced me to do some rationalisation of the systems, pulling out the commonality and then templating the differences. Additionally I ended up using the lineinfile module to edit the Debian supplied configurations, rather than rolling out my own config files. This helped ensure more common components between systems. There were also a bunch of differences that had grown out of the fact each system was maintained by hand - I had about 4 copies of each Let s Encrypt certificate rather than just putting one copy in /etc/ssl and pointing everything at that. They weren t even in the same places on different systems. I unified these sorts of things as I came across them. Throughout the process of this rationalisation I was able to easily test using containers. I wrote an Ansible role to create systemd-nspawn based containers, doing all of the LVM + debootstrap work required to produce a system which could then be managed by Ansible. I then pointed the same configuration as I was using for the email VM at this container, and could verify at each step along the way that the results were what I expected. It was still a little nerve-racking when I switched over the live email config to be managed by Ansible, but it went without a hitch as hoped. I still have a lot more configuration to switch to being managed by Ansible, especially on the machines which handle a greater number of services, but it s already proved extremely useful. To prepare for a jessie to stretch upgrade I fired up a stretch container and pointed the Ansible config at it. Most things just worked and the minor issues I was able to fix up in that instance leaving me confident that the live system could be upgraded smoothly. Or when I want to roll out a new SSH key I can just add it to the Ansible setup, and then kick off an update. No need to worry about whether I ve updated it everywhere, or correctly removed the old one. So I m a convert; things were a bit more difficult by starting with existing machines that I didn t want too much disruption on, but going forward I ll be using Ansible to roll out any new machines or services I need, and expect that I ll find that new deployment to be much easier now I have a firm grasp on the tools available.

17 July 2017

Jonathan McDowell: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

There was a recent Cryptoparty Belfast event that was aimed at a wider audience than usual; rather than concentrating on how to protect ones self on the internet the 3 speakers concentrated more on why you might want to. As seems to be the way these days I was asked to say a few words about the intersection of technology and the law. I think people were most interested in all the gadgets on show at the end, but I hope they got something out of my talk. It was a very high level overview of some of the issues around the Investigatory Powers Act - if you re familiar with it then I m not adding anything new here, just trying to provide some sort of details about why it s a bad thing from both a technological and a legal perspective. Download

10 July 2017

Jonathan McDowell: Going to DebConf 17

Going to DebConf17 Completely forgot to mention this earlier in the year, but delighted to say that in just under 4 weeks I ll be attending DebConf 17 in Montr al. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of fine folk there! Outbound:
2017-08-04 11:40 DUB -> 13:40 KEF WW853
2017-08-04 15:25 KEF -> 17:00 YUL WW251
2017-08-12 19:50 YUL -> 05:00 KEF WW252
2017-08-13 06:20 KEF -> 09:50 DUB WW852
(Image created using GIMP, fonts-dkg-handwriting and the DebConf17 Artwork.)

2 March 2017

Jonathan McDowell: Rational thoughts on the GitHub ToS change

I woke this morning to Thorsten claiming the new GitHub Terms of Service could require the removal of Free software projects from it. This was followed by joeyh removing everything from github. I hadn t actually been paying attention, so I went looking for some sort of summary of whether I should be worried and ended up reading the actual ToS instead. TL;DR version: No, I m not worried and I don t think you should be either. First, a disclaimer. I m not a lawyer. I have some legal training, but none of what I m about to say is legal advice. If you re really worried about the changes then you should engage the services of a professional. The gist of the concerns around GitHub s changes are that they potentially circumvent any license you have applied to your code, either converting GPL licensed software to BSD style (and thus permitting redistribution of binary forms without source) or making it illegal to host software under certain Free software licenses on GitHub due to being unable to meet the requirements of those licenses as a result of GitHub s ToS. My reading of the GitHub changes is that they are driven by a desire to ensure that GitHub are legally covered for the things they need to do with your code in order to run their service. There are sadly too many people who upload code there without a license, meaning that technically no one can do anything with it. Don t do this people; make sure that any project you put on GitHub has some sort of license attached to it (don t write your own - it s highly likely one of Apache/BSD/GPL will suit your needs) so people know whether they can make use of it or not. I don t care is not a valid reason not to do this. Section D, relating to user generated content, is the one causing the problems. It s possibly easiest to walk through each subsection in order. D1 says GitHub don t take any responsibility for your content; you make it, you re responsible for it, they re not accepting any blame for harm your content does nor for anything any member of the public might do with content you ve put on GitHub. This seems uncontentious. D2 reaffirms your ownership of any content you create, and requires you to only post 3rd party content to GitHub that you have appropriate rights to. So I can t, for example, upload a copy of Friday by Rebecca Black. Thorsten has some problems with D3, where GitHub reserve the right to remove content that violates their terms or policies. He argues this could cause issues with licenses that require unmodified source code. This seems to be alarmist, and also applies to any random software mirror. The intent of such licenses is in general to ensure that the pristine source code is clearly separate from 3rd party modifications. Removal of content that infringes GitHub s T&Cs is not going to cause an issue. D4 is a license grant to GitHub, and I think forms part of joeyh s problems with the changes. It affirms the content belongs to the user, but grants rights to GitHub to store and display the content, as well as make copies such as necessary to provide the GitHub service. They explicitly state that no right is granted to sell the content at all or to distribute the content outside of providing the GitHub service. This term would seem to be the minimum necessary for GitHub to ensure they are allowed to provide code uploaded to them for download, and provide their web interface. If you ve actually put a Free license on your code then this isn t necessary, but from GitHub s point of view I can understand wanting to make it explicit that they need these rights to be granted. I don t believe it provides a method of subverting the licensing intent of Free software authors. D5 provides more concern to Thorsten. It seems he believes that the ability to fork code on GitHub provides a mechanism to circumvent copyleft licenses. I don t agree. The second paragraph of this subsection limits the license granted to the user to be the ability to reproduce the content on GitHub - it does not grant them additional rights to reproduce outside of GitHub. These rights, to my eye, enable the forking and viewing of content within GitHub but say nothing about my rights to check code out and ignore the author s upstream license. D6 clarifies that if you submit content to a GitHub repo that features a license you are licensing your contribution under these terms, assuming you have no other agreement in place. This looks to be something that benefits projects on GitHub receiving contributions from users there; it s an explicit statement that such contributions are under the project license. D7 confirms the retention of moral rights by the content owner, but states they are waived purely for the purposes of enabling GitHub to provide service, as stated under D4. In particular this right is revocable so in the event they do something you don t like you can instantly remove all of their rights. Thorsten is more worried about the ability to remove attribution and thus breach CC-BY or some BSD licenses, but GitHub s whole model is providing attribution for changesets and tracking such changes over time, so it s hard to understand exactly where the service falls down on ensuring the provenance of content is clear. There are reasons to be wary of GitHub (they ve taken a decentralised revision control system and made a business model around being a centralised implementation of it, and they store additional metadata such as PRs that aren t as easily extracted), but I don t see any indication that the most recent changes to their Terms of Service are something to worry about. The intent is clearly to provide GitHub with the legal basis they need to provide their service, rather than to provide a means for them to subvert the license intent of any Free software uploaded.

20 February 2017

Jonathan Dowland: Blinkenlights!

blinkenlights! blinkenlights!
Part one of a series. part 2, part 3. Late last year, I was pondering how one might add a status indicator to a headless machine like my NAS to indicate things like failed jobs. After a brief run through of some options (a USB-based custom device; a device pretending to be a keyboard attached to a PS/2 port; commandeering the HD activity LED; commandeering the PC speaker wire) I decided that I didn't have the time to learn the kind of skills needed to build something at that level and opted to buy a pre-assembled programmable USB thing instead, called the BlinkStick. Little did I realise that my friend Jonathan McDowell thought that this was an interesting challenge and actually managed to design, code and build something! Here's his blog post outlining his solution and here's his code on github (or canonically) Even thought I've bought the blinkstick, given Jonathan's efforts (and the bill of materials) I'm going to have to try and assemble this for myself and give it a go. I've also managed to borrow an Arduino book from a colleague at work. Either way, I still have some work to do on the software/configuration side to light the LEDs up at the right time and colour based on the jobs running on the NAS and their state.

7 February 2017

Jonathan McDowell: GnuK on the Maple Mini

Last weekend, as a result of my addiction to buying random microcontrollers to play with, I received some Maple Minis. I bought the Baite clone direct from AliExpress - so just under 3 each including delivery. Not bad for something that s USB capable, is based on an ARM and has plenty of IO pins. I m not entirely sure what my plan is for the devices, but as a first step I thought I d look at getting GnuK up and running on it. Only to discover that chopstx already has support for the Maple Mini and it was just a matter of doing a ./configure --vidpid=234b:0000 --target=MAPLE_MINI --enable-factory-reset ; make. I d hoped to install via the DFU bootloader already on the Mini but ended up making it unhappy so used SWD by following the same steps with OpenOCD as for the FST-01/BusPirate. (SWCLK is D21 and SWDIO is D22 on the Mini). Reset after flashing and the device is detected just fine:
usb 1-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 73 using xhci_hcd
usb 1-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=234b, idProduct=0000
usb 1-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb 1-1.1: Product: Gnuk Token
usb 1-1.1: Manufacturer: Free Software Initiative of Japan
usb 1-1.1: SerialNumber: FSIJ-1.2.3-87155426
And GPG is happy:
$ gpg --card-status
Reader ...........: 234B:0000:FSIJ-1.2.3-87155426:0
Application ID ...: D276000124010200FFFE871554260000
Version ..........: 2.0
Manufacturer .....: unmanaged S/N range
Serial number ....: 87155426
Name of cardholder: [not set]
Language prefs ...: [not set]
Sex ..............: unspecified
URL of public key : [not set]
Login data .......: [not set]
Signature PIN ....: forced
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048
Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127
PIN retry counter : 3 3 3
Signature counter : 0
Signature key ....: [none]
Encryption key....: [none]
Authentication key: [none]
General key info..: [none]
While GnuK isn t the fastest OpenPGP smart card implementation this certainly seems to be one of the cheapest ways to get it up and running. (Plus the fact that chopstx already runs on the Mini provides me with a useful basis for other experimentation.)

29 January 2017

Jonathan McDowell: BelFOSS 2017

On Friday I attended the second BelFOSS conference. I d spoken about my involvement with Debian at the conference last year, which seemed to be well received. This year I d planned to just be a normal attendee, but ended up roped in at a late stage to be part of a panel discussing various licensing issues. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day - there were many great speakers, and plenty of opportunity for interesting chats with other attendees. The conference largely happens through the tireless efforts of Jonny McCullagh, though of course many people are involved in bringing it together. It s a low budget single day conference which has still managed to fill its single track attendee capacity both years, and attract more than enough speakers. Last year Red Hat and LPI turned up, this year Matt Curry from Allstate s Arizona office appeared, but in general it s local speakers talking to a local audience. This is really good to see - I don t think Jonny would object at all if he managed to score a big name speaker, but one of his aims is to get students interested and aware of Free Software, and I think it helps a lot that the conference allows them to see that it s actively in use in lots of aspects of the industry here in Northern Ireland. Here s hoping that BelFOSS becomes an annual fixture in the NI tech calendar!

